Farmers Shift Their Fertility Strategy Based on Winter Weather


A fifth-generation farmer, Kelly Garrett farms corn, soybeans, and winter wheat in western Iowa.

Things are starting to move now as the 2023 planting season comes closer. We are finalizing our plans for our in-furrow and 2×2 operations. The only thing that is the same each year is the fact that no year is the same. We do so much testing on our farm that we are always going to be making changes to the way we raise a crop. This coming season, instead of using the typical 28% or 32% Nitrogen in our 2×2, we are going to use an Agroliquid nitrogen product (High NRG-N) in our 2×2. We think it will be a more efficient source of nitrogen that will result in more productivity, and hopefully a yield bump.


We are currently cycling our planters through the shop for maintenance and upgrades. We are changing out our parallel arms to new parallel arms from Integrated Ag Solutions. They have a built-in bearing that reduces wear and tear on the arms and keep the row units running smoothly. Then we are putting our first DEMCO SideQuest Fertilizer tanks on as well. These tanks will hold 1,000 gallons unlike our previous tanks that held 700 gallons. This will give us a lot more productivity in the field.


Matt Miles is a fourth-generation farmer in southeast Arkansas who grows corn, soybeans, rice, and cotton.

One year ago, this week I was planting soybeans. Yes, you read that correctly. We took a chance based on a hunch and planted our first field of soybeans in February. The way I figure, one of the questions I have always been asked by other farmers is “How early is too early?” Well, there is only one way to find out. So, we went out and stuck 47 acres of beans in the ground on Feb. 18 and 19.

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Those February beans averaged 79 bpa. I can’t complain about that number. But, by planting so early, we were able to get a second crop of beans planted in the same field in August that ended up averaging 41 bpa. Then we followed it up by planting our wheat crop in the same field last fall, making it a true triple-crop field.


This year will be a different story as temps are better than last year, but wet soil will not allow us in the field. Last year’s trial was successful, so the plan was to try and replicate it again this year on larger acres and add some ultra-early corn. Looking at the 15-day forecast, we will have to be patient as more rains look to be in the future.


On a positive note, it seems like fertilizer and some inputs will be down slightly this year and supplies look more favorable. Last year was a nightmare but 2023 looks a little more promising.

Until next time, have a great week and hopefully 2023 will be the year!


Kevin and his wife, Cindy, own and operate Matthews Family Farms of North Carolina, Inc., Precision Nutrient Management, Inc., and Deep Creek Grain, Inc. in East Bend and Yadkinville.

Our equipment is in the shop and getting ready for plant 2023. It’s still a challenge getting some parts from Precision Planting, and always disappointing when parts don’t come in a timely manner. Many companies are struggling on certain parts availability. They are going to have to get these issues fixed as crops and livestock can’t be delayed.

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It has been wet for the last four months and the small grain looks rough. We did manage to get our fertilizer out one frozen morning before the ground thawed out again at 9 a.m. Many of our cover crops did not get planted due to the wetness, and poultry litter and lime are still waiting to be spread. This makes me nervous as planting season is rapidly approaching!

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